If It's Heating Oil, It's Fairclough Fuel


When it comes to high-quality heating oil and all of the equipment and maintenance that are necessary to use it, you need a trustworthy company that cares about its customers’ comfort. You need Fairclough Fuel. We are proud to offer the homeowners of Northern New Jersey, competitive pricing on all of our heating oil.


The Benefits of Heating Oil Include:

  •  It's Clean - Modern Oilheat systems are among the cleanest of combustion devices manufactured today.  
  •  It's Safe - Heating oil is non-explosive and at room temperature will even extinguish a lit match.
  •  It's Efficient - Today's oil systems often reach an efficiency rating of at least 85%, but are more often higher.
  •  It's Abundant - Fairclough Fuel maintains a reliable supply to your heating oil storage tank, safely and conveniently stored on your property. 

If you would like to receive more information about any of the services we provide, call us at 973-383-5832 or send us your questions here.